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Meeting Minutes 01/08/2008


January 8, 2008

Mayor James M. Gaughan                Michael Moore, Attorney                      

Trustee William F. Aylward              Jean La Crosse, Clerk                              

Trustee Kerry Dineen                       Catherine Hasbrouck, Treasurer

Trustee Christine Marshall                 Anthony Salerno, Commissioner

Trustee Dean Whalen                         Tim McIntyre, Supt. DPW


Attending: Donald F. Cropsey, Jr.; Chief Paul Miller; Approximately 50 guests.


Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  


Chief Paul Miller, AFD, reported that the department made 119 calls in 2007 in addition to approximately 50 calls related to the spring 2007 flooding.


Tim McIntyre, Supt. Public Works, asked that residents be mindful of icy conditions on sidewalks and to use salt for safety. Additionally, Supt. McIntyre reported that illegal parking on side streets causes difficulty for village plowing operations. The Village ordinance states that there is no parking on any Village streets between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 am beginning November 1 and ending May 1 of each year. Commissioner Salerno will address the illegal parking issues.


Commissioner Salerno reported that the Department of Criminal Justice Service recently performed an audit of the Altamont Police Department. The Department was found to be in total compliance. Any written material as a result of the audit will be forwarded to the Board.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the Treasurer’s report Abstract # 14. Roll Call: All in favor


Linda Cure reported that the Altamont Free Library will host the “I Love My Library Dinner Fundraiser” on February 9, 2008.


Mayor Gaughan read the Legal Notice to continue the Public Hearing on enacting Local Law # 1- 2008 Village of Altamont Zoning Law 2008 and rescinding in it’s entirety, an ordinance adopted by the Altamont Village Board on November 9, 1971 known as The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Altamont, Albany County New York and amended by Local Law #2- 1985, - Local Law #1-1986; Local Law #1- 1999.


Ron Ginsberg, Euclid Avenue read a statement regarding the multi-family zones in the new Zoning Law proposal. Mr. Ginsberg feels that this is contrary to surveys and statements in the Comprehensive Plan indicating no need for additional housing of this type.


Don Constantine, Schoharie Plank Road West, asks that development should not disturb the creek and that Schoharie Plank Road should not be used as a means of egress


Judy Dineen, Lincoln Avenue, says that we rely on studies such as the Comprehensive Plan to give us indications of to do or not to do something.


Carl Schilling, Schoharie Plank Road, says people want to downsize but not into a small apartment. His preference is for “cluster” housing (duplexes and cottages) and preserving green space. He is frequently asked about his plans to develop.


Sally Dague, Indian Maiden Pass, sold a condominium in Florida in favor of spending the rest of her life in Altamont. Ms. Dague favors multi-family zoning in both locations in question as the Planning and Zoning Boards have oversight and can govern developments.


Trustee Whalen reads letter from Margaret Rusch who favors the multi-family parcel on Schoharie Plank Road, and from Kate Provencher who asks the Board to retain the change of M Zoning for parcels in the Village.


Judy O’Rourke is opposed to development in the Schoharie Plan Road area.


Scott Forman is opposed to low income housing because it decreases property value and is a stress on the village infrastructure. Mr. Forman refers to the new senior apartment building on Park Street and says that it does not fit into the environment.


Colleen Correll, Schoharie Plank Road, is opposed to the development on Schoharie Plank Road. Ms. Correll says that Carl and Phyllis Schilling were interested in the Kiltz Estate for development.


Trustee Whalen says that the committee that adopted the Comprehensive Plan, Section F deals with diverse, affordable, senior, multi family units, and this came from research on a number of resources and facts including the survey, focus groups, community workshops and demographics.


Mayor Gaughan says that the committee came up with a proposal after looking very carefully on the R-20M and R-10M proposal. The R-20M would stress the Village resources. The R-10 allows for 20 family units and the R-10M only increases the density to 22 units and 7 single family dwellings and would be less of an impact.


Lois Ginsberg, Euclid Avenue, says that from R-15 to R-10M would double the density.


Ron Ginsberg refers to the appendix of the Comprehensive Plan and asks for data to support the need for additional multi-family units.


Trustee Whalen


Mayor Gaughan says there are a multitude of factors in addressing a multitude of issues in other parts of the data.


Judy Dineen asks for a definition of affordability.


Debra Johnson, Schoharie Plank Road, says that John Donato has converted older deserted homes into nice affordable housing on Maple as well as other locations. Mr. Donato wants to make apartments in the Bowling Alley building on Altamont Blvd. but was turned down.


Mayor Gaughan says that Mr. Donato did not complete the process to support his plan.


Trustee Aylward says Ron Ginsberg makes a good point and asks for data. We should provide this.


Trustee Dineen is in favor of closing the Public Hearing.


Trustee Marshall says that there is not special consideration being given for Carl Schilling but what is best for the community. Ms. Marshall says rezoning the Bozenkill Road property to M is not in the best interest of the Village. We need more information on need.


Trustee Dineen says that the committee did a great job and that should not get lost in the final decision.


Trustee Aylward says that the decision has impact currently on lives of the residents.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to close the Public Hearing and consider the proposal at the February 5, 2008 meeting. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to reschedule Regular March Board meeting to Tuesday, March 11, 2008. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to approve Change Order No. 1 from Highlander Construction: Item 1. $60,105.17 Credit to Contractor; Item 2. ($3,950.08) Credit to the Owner; Item 3. 676.90Credit to Contractor; - Total Change Order No 1 Cost:  $56,831.99.  Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall to approve December 2007 Board Minutes as submitted. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward to adjourn at 9:20 pm. All in favor


Next scheduled meeting is February 5, 2008.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Jean La Crosse
