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Meeting Minutes 12/11/2007


December 11, 2007


Mayor James M. Gaughan           James Roemer, Legal Council

Trustee William F. Aylward         Jean La Crosse, Clerk

Trustee Kerry Dineen                  Donald F. Cropsey, Jr. Building

Trustee Christine Marshall           Anthony Salerno, Commissioner

Trustee Dean Whalen                  Tim McIntyre, Supt. DPW


Attending: Guest, Michael Moore, Attorney; Approximately 50 guests.


Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Keith Lee presented a written annual summary of the Park Committee.


Mayor Gaughan gave a brief statement on the approval of $27,000 matching funds Linkage Grant study funds awarded to the Village to connect sidewalks and trails. The Mayor extended personal Holiday wishes of good tidings and prosperity.


Trustee Whalen reported that he met with a structural engineer regarding the conditions at the fire house. Another meeting will take place with officers of the department.


Trustee Aylward informed the Board of possible income tax credits for volunteer fire department members.


Commissioner Salerno reported of his interest in offering a student internship to a SUNY Canton individual. Other department news included applications submitted for corporate grant for the police and fire department. Additionally, SUNY Albany is offering reduced admission price ticket for police appreciation events.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to accept the Treasurer’s report, Abstract # 10 and # 11 as submitted. Roll Call: All in favor


Public Comment:


Kathy Adams, Schoharie Plank Road, approached the Board and requested a postponement in the decision regarding senior health insurance until additional information is available on the plans.


Norman Bauman praised the efforts of the ACT group for the Victorian Holiday Celebration. Mr. Bauman also introduced Barbara Mulfelder newly elected ACT president.


Judy Dineen congratulated ACT for the Victorian Holiday events especially the community dinner.


7:45 pm

Continuation of Public Hearing on enacting Local Law # 5- 2007 Village of Altamont Zoning Law 2007 and rescinding in it’s entirety, an ordinance adopted by the Altamont Village Board on November 9, 1971 known as The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Altamont, Albany County New York and amended by Local Law #2- 1985, - Local Law #1-1986; Local Law #1- 1999.


Trustee Whalen read letter from Robert Spring, Bozenkill Road, Joel and Cinnia Edwards, Bozenkill Road, Nancy Caruso, Bozenkill Road.  Trustee Whalen continued to explain the density packet provided since the last meeting.


Robert Spring, Bozenkill Road, read from the proposed Zoning Law and commented on the decreasing population of Altamont. Additionally he spoke on the 403 returns from a      questionnaire circulated during the Comprehensive Plan Project. Mr. Spring noted that these returns indicated that there is no need for apartments, condos, group homes and townhouses and they are not favored by these 403 residents. Regarding density, Mr. Spring feels that Altamont’s density exceeds most local areas.


Cecile Simmons, Bozenkill Road/Sunset Drive, states that she owns 20 acres of single family home deed protected land. E. Guy Roemer, Village Attorney confirmed that Mr. Simmons’s deed overrides the proposed Zoning Law.


Kathy Glass, Bozenkill Road, says she understands that development is inevitable but is concerned over traffic and safety issues.


A letter was read from Phil Carducci, Whipple Way, stating opposition to the proposed M designation in the proposed new Zoning Law. Mr. Carducci feels that $250,000 houses may not sell resulting in subletting and rental turnover. He prefers green space and is opposed to any development on Bozenkill Road. Mr. Carducci prefers parkland for the residents to enjoy.


Mr. Vitale, 5 Indian Maiden, is in favor of single family home, not multi-family.


Joe Dover, Maple Avenue, suggests that things be left the way they are.


Mark Schmidt, Sunset Drive, hopes, for his children, a growing up experience in a small community similar to his own. Mr. Schmidt also comments on increased lighting problems with potential large developments in the area.


Carl Schilling speaks of his 51/2 acres in the middle of the village that were visited by Keith Lee, Trustee Marshall, Trustee Aylward and Lois Ginsburg. Mr. Schilling presented the Board with a sketch of how he sees his property if developed. Mr. Schilling says he can do this not only without destroying the village, but by enhancing it.


David Glass, Sunset Drive, says that he does not begrudge Mr. Schilling his development but we do live in single family homes built under the current Zoning Law.


Dolly Bintz, Indian Maiden, ask what is the advantage for the Village – apartment dwellings would not increase the tax base.


Kathy Glass, Bozenkill Road, says that she is a friend of the Schillings and asks that when the developments are done they will be done tastefully and with the residents in consideration.


Troy Miller, Indian Maiden, says that development must go through a process that addressed traffic, density, lighting, esthetics. These things are not to be decided tonight. If land conditions permit 80 units there are still tools in place to protect the interest and concerns of the area and ensure green space.


Mari-Beth Spring, Bozenkill Road, appreciates Mr. Miller’s opinion but doesn’t feel a development will increase the value of her property.


Norman Bauman, Maple Avenue, says that he came from Schenectady where police are ever needed, property values go down and renters come and go. Renters are not considerate of living quarters.


Joe Hilton, Indian Maiden, states that he is lost in the charts on page 2. (density) Trustee Whalen further clarifies the charts.


Trustee Dineen is not in favor the M designation and doesn’t see the need for further development.


Trustee Aylward agrees with Trustee Dineen and understands that the proposal (Zoning) was not intended to have a firm conclusion. Trustee Aylward states that 263 units are extraordinary and he is not in favor or such a development and that this is nothing that the Board had in mind. The Comprehensive Plan promotes recreation plans and youth enhancement.


Trustee Marshall is please with the feedback from the community. Trustee Marshall states that unless the village is willing to purchase property, the government cannot restrict development. Ms. Marshall agrees that the M designation is a big changed and is not comfortable with the 20M Zoning. However, she feels that the M designation for Mr. Schilling’s property is not so crucial.


Trustee Whalen is pleased with the concise, well put and appreciated comments. The M designation was not meant to create a problem but to address a need. Trustee Whalen feels that the 20M on Bozenkill Road is not justified but is on Mr. Schilling property. 10M fits with the philosophy of the area.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to continue the Public Hearing at 7:45 pm on January 8, 2008 Regular Board Meeting. All in favor.


Consider Change Order File 895.002 related to installation of 420.69 cubic yards of cobblestones to stabilize the access road at an additional cost of $56,831.99 to the Owner was withdrawn from the agenda.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried giving approval for Jillian Agnew, 244 Craven Road, Delanson, NY currently a student at SUNY-Canton, to do her Criminal Justice Internship with Altamont Police Department per request of Commissioner Salerno. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen to approve the appointment of Taylor Brandt, Apprentice Fireman, to membership in Altamont Fire Department per request of Paul Miller, Chief.

Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall to accept a  proposal from Bruce Cadman, General Code  Regional Sales Team for Codification Services to the Village of Altamont in the amount $10,500. Funds are budgeted in 2007-08 Village Budget. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to accept the November 2007 Board Minutes as presented. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Marshall made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss Personnel issues. All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to exit Executive Session. All in favor


Trustee Marshall made a motion seconded by Trustee and carried to enter into Regular Session. All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to amend the Village Personnel Policies as follows: Amendment to Employment and Personnel Policy – Paragraph 14 - Health Insurance-The Village of Altamont shall provide health insurance coverage for full time employees. Employees and retirees at age 65, enrolled in Medicare A & B, will continue health insurance coverage with an approved Medicare group plan.” Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into contract with Michael Moore for legal services for a contract fee of $11,100 (billed at $925/month) to include attendance at up to 6 meetings annually of the Village Planning or Zoning meetings beyond these six (6) will be reimbursed at a rate of $175 per hour. Terms, by mutual agreement, to be reviewed in nine (9) months. All in favor (Contract entered in official records)


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to adjourn at 10:30 pm. All in favor


Next scheduled meeting in January 8, 2008.


Respectfully Submitted,

Jean La Crosse
