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Meeting Minutes 10/02/2007


October 2, 2007



Mayor James M. Gaughan          E. Guy Roemer, Attorney

Trustee William F. Aylward         Jean La Crosse, Clerk

Trustee Kerry Dineen                  Catherine Hasbrouck, Treasurer

Trustee Christine Marshall            Anthony Salerno, Commissioner

Trustee Dean Whalen                    Tim McIntyre, Supt. DPW


Attending: Donald F. Cropsey, Jr., Building Inspector; Paul Miller, Chief AFD; Approximately 50 guests.


Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Linda Cure, who is providing services to the Village of Altamont through a shared services agreement with the Town of Guilderland, presented a report on the successful 2007 Altamont Farmer’s Market and the Altamont Senior Citizen’s socialization and recreational programs. Ms. Cure will continue to provide support to these programs. A copy of the report is entered into the permanent Village records.


Chief Miller, AFD reported that the Altamont Fire Department will participate in the Village Halloween activities on October 31. This month the department has participated in inter-departmental meetings.


Donald F. Cropsey, Jr. reported that the 2008 New York State Building Code regulations are available and must be in use by January 1, 2008.


Tim McIntyre, Supt. Public Works announced the fall yard waste collection commencing October 10 – November 30.  The water main flushing is complete with the exception of small scale flushing which should be mostly unnoticeable. The new well is on line and treatments, to address the discolored water, are in progress. Towards the end of November plans include aggressive flushing. Periodic treatments could continue for a period of 3 – 5 years. Mr. McIntyre also reported that the Village received notification of a $70,000 grant from FEMA for stream clean up from April 2007 storm.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Abstract # 8 and # 9. Roll Call: All in favor


Public Comment:


Norman Bauman, Chairman of the Neighborhood Watch announced that the meetings, previously held on Saturday mornings, will be held once a month on a Tuesday evening as announced. The public is invited to attend. Officer Thomas is the contact person at the Altamont Police Department for details.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen to approve a refund of $412.50 to Noah Lodge (Masonic temple) for water meter reader error that was not resolved at April 1, 2007 billing resulting in property tax re-levy. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to approve a request from residents of Grand Street to block off Grand Street to Fairview from 3:00 – 9:00 pm on October 21, 2007 for a neighborhood Oktoberfest Block Party. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward to hold a Halloween Parade and gathering at Orsini Park, Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 6 pm. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve Barton & Loguidice Proposals for Engineering Services dated August 30, 2007 as follows: (1) “Assistance Resolving Discolored Water Problem”-initial allocation $4,000; (2) “Sewer Use Ordinance Update Assistance” - $2,100; (3) “Preliminary Engineering Report for Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Dechlorination” - $8,100.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the September 2007 Board Minutes with the Clerk’s correction of Abstract Accounts. Minutes should read Abstract #5, #6 and #7.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made the following resolution:


Resolution of the Village of Altamont Board of Trustees

Intent to be Lead Agency

Adoption of Village Zoning Amendment


October 2, 2007


              WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has duly adopted a new comprehensive plan for the Village of Altamont; and 


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has assigned drafting of zoning amendments to implement that plan to a duly appointed a committee; and 


              WHEREAS, the committee has drafted these amendments in the form of a Local Law and the document is ready for public review; and


              WHEREAS, the proposed action has been determined to be a Type I action, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) 6 NYCRR Part 617. 


              WHEREAS, the proposed action will not require permits and approvals from any other local, regional and State agencies prior to adoption of the zoning; and


              WHEREAS, the Albany County Planning Board is required to review and approve the draft plan pursuant to the applicable standards of New York State General Municipal Law 2390m but this approval is considered an advisory opinion under SEQR and the agency is not considered to be eligible for lead agency status in this action.


              NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the applicable standards of SEQR 6 NYCRR Part 617, the Village of Altamont Board of Trustees concludes that it is the appropriate agency to serve as, and declares itself lead agency for the environmental review of the proposed Type I action; and


              BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village of Altamont Board of Trustees hereby authorizes development and circulation of a copy of the EAF pursuant to the requirements set forth in SEQR 6 NYCRR Part 617.


Consider approving resolution titled “Intent to be Lead Agency Adoption of Village Zoning Amendment”.


The motion was seconded by Trustee Aylward. Motion was carried 5/0.


Mayor Gaughan provided an introduction to the scheduled Public Hearing on adoption of the 2007 Zoning Law.


Attorney E. Guy Roemer read the Legal Notice on enacting Local Law # 5- 2007 enacting new Village of Altamont Zoning Law 2007 and rescinding in it’s entirety, an ordinance adopted by the Altamont Village Board on November 9, 1971 known as The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Altamont, Albany County New York and amended by Local Law #2- 1985, - Local Law #1-1986; Local Law #1- 1999.


Trustee Whalen gave preliminary comments, introduced and thanked the committee members: Steve Parachini, Chairman of the Planning Board; Kate Provencher, Member of the Zoning Board of Appeals; Donald F. Cropsey, Jr., Building Inspector and Zoning Administrator; Harvey Vlahos, former Trustee; Chris Marshall, Trustee, and Nan Salzenburg, Planner.


Trustee Whalen read letters/e-mails from the following individuals:


Jane Quay on behalf of John Quay, Maple Avenue objected to the property, built in the 1960’s being included in the Historic Overlay.


Thomas & Ann Marie Talbot, Lincoln Avenue wrote regarding parking regulations for recreational vehicles.


Janelle Fletcher, Lincoln Avenue, asks for a postponement in the vote in order to give the Village residents and opportunity to learn more about this matter.


Michael Seinberg-Margaret Hughes, Lincoln Avenue, opposes any consideration to develop any large part of the existing fairgrounds. Ms. Seinberg’s second area of concern is the Historic District Overlay. He states that we are a living breathing village not a museum or movie set and should be conserving green space rather than promoting development.


Paul and Jennifer Betancourt, Lincoln Avenue, stated that the proposed Zoning Law has not been properly communicated to the citizens of Altamont. The Betancourt’s  say that although the law may have been initially developed with good intentions and there may be articles within this law that help the Village attain a historic appearance, many of the provisions are unnecessarily extreme, too rigid to live by, and ultimately too costly to comply with.


The following individuals spoke at the Public Hearing:


Lois Ginsburg, Euclid Avenue commented on the number of houses in the Historic District that are already vinyl sided.


Steven Simmons, Sunset Drive, objects to the re-zoning from R-20 to R-20M at the end of Sunset Drive and also on Bozenkill Road.


Melanie Jakway, Maple Avenue, stated that one would have to “measure up” or be of a particular “financial status” to live in Altamont. Ms. Jakway calls for a Public Referendum.


Joan Binkley, Indian Maiden Pass, seconds Ms. Jakway’s comments.


Jeff Perlee, Maple Avenue, says the restrictions imposed in the Historic Overlay district would be a threat to economic diversity. He referred to the proposal as creating a “Yuppie Ghetto” Mr. Perlee also disagrees on the requirement to obtain a Special Use Permit for what is already an approved use in the Zoning Law.


Joan Kappel, Main Street, states that there are good parts in the proposed law but much is unrealistic. Ms. Kappel reviewed 80 pages of the proposals and submitted written notes to the Board.


Jeff Gregory, Grand Street, stated that the historic regulations are absurd. Mr. Gregory asked if the Board planned to approve a tax break or pay homeowner’s mortgage and taxes.


Troy Miller, Indian Maiden Pass, said the building of senior housing is not proposed for property in the core of the Village and should be allowing seniors accessibility to sidewalks walk and services.


Simon Litten, Main Street, states that the Historic overlay is too restrictive.


Charles Ciaccio, Lincoln Avenue, states that the committee has no right to impose these conditions.


Debbie McKee, Main Street, states that her property has a fieldstone basement with a stream in the basement. The gingerbread, if replaced, would be too expensive.


Newt Ronan, Severson Avenue, spoke about Altamont as it used to be with thriving businesses that allowed individuals to live in Altamont and never leave. Mr. Ronan states that Altamont is not at all what it used to be and there is more to the problem than the Historic District.


Pat Morgan, Sunset Drive, states that her house is not historic and her bedroom air conditioner, in a front window, will stay.


Ted Neuman, Lark Street, states that the Board should strive for legislative reasonableness.


Edna Litten, Main Street, wondered why the Fair Grounds, if dissolved, was not designated as parkland so residents could continue to enjoy the land.


Trustee Dineen thanked residents for expressing their concerns.


Trustee Aylward stated that the committee should go back to the drawing board as residents have legitimate concerns.


Trustee Marshall stated that Trustee Dineen got the word out and encouraged residents to comment on the proposal. Ms. Marshall expected that the document could be controversial and perhaps the committee was working on some miss-conceptions. Since she does not live in a Historic District, Trustee Marshall would not feel comfortable imposing restriction on those who do.


Trustee Whalen thanked the public for attending and gave assurances that he heard their specific comments and concerns. The next step would be to return at the November Board Meeting with answers to the written and verbal comments.


Mayor Gaughan confirmed that the Public Hearing will continue on November 6, 2007 at 7:45 pm.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to adjourn at 9:30 pm.


Next Scheduled Meetings - November 6, 2007 (Election Day)

       December 11, 2007   (There will be no meeting on December 4th in observance of



Respectfully Submitted, 

Jean La Crosse
