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Meeting Minutes 09/04/2007


September 4, 2007


Mayor James M. Gaughan          E. Guy Roemer, Village Attorney

Trustee William F. Aylward         Jean La Crosse, Clerk

Trustee Kerry Dineen                  Catherine Hasbrouck, Treasurer

Trustee Christine Marshall            Anthony Salerno, Commissioner

Trustee Dean Whalen                    Tim McIntyre, Supt. DPW


Attending: Donald F. Cropsey, Jr., Building Inspector; Paul Miller, Chief and Joseph Dover AFD; Richard Straut, PC Barton & Loguidice; Approximately 11 guests.



Mayor Gaughan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Stephen du Moulin, winner of the Altamont Free Library’s Summer Reading Program “2007 Mayor for the Day” Initiative” was unable to attend the meeting. A book, selected for Stephen and signed by the Trustees, was presented to Pat Spohr, Altamont Free Library.


Trustee Whalen reported that the final draft of the Village Zoning Law is available for review prior to a Public Hearing anticipated for October 2, 2007. Copies are available at the Altamont Free Library, Village Office and the Village website.


A detailed written report was presented from the Parks Committee. A copy of the report will be included in Board Minutes records.


Mayor Gaughan reported that the Community Caregivers will present a Quilt show in Orsini Park on Saturday, September 8. 2007.


Chief Paul Miller, AFD requested approval for two new members to the department. Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried approving the membership of Steve Reinemann and Patrick Thomas to the Altamont Fire Department. Roll Call: All in favor


Donald F. Cropsey, Building Inspector, thanked Trustee Whalen and the committee for their efforts on the new Village Zoning Law. Mr. Cropsey reported that the Altamont Fair Associated submitted $5,000 fee for a new bathroom connection to the Village Sewer. The facility was issued a Certificate of Occupancy and put in service for the 2007 fair.  Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried approving the new connection. Roll Call: All in favor.


Tim McIntyre reported that the Department of Public Works is experiencing water discoloration in selected areas of the Village tied to the new well service. Pumping is temporarily discontinued. Richard Straut, PC Barton & Loguidice informed the Board that, with coordination through Albany County Health Department and proper notification to the public, the village will treat and flush the old lines to resolve the problem.


Commissioner Salerno was on short leave for a personal matter.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the Treasurer’s Report (Abstract #5, #6, #7) for August and September 2007.  Roll Call: All in favor.


Public Comment

Judy Dineen asked residents who do not read the Enterprise be notified of the water flushing schedule.



Don Csaposs, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, Town of Guilderland presented a brief outline of a proposed Linkage Grant application that would provide funds of approximately $11,750 for a study on village sidewalks and pathway connections that he will prepared on behalf of the Village. The grand requires a 25% local match.


Trustee Whalen made a motion, seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried authorizing the Mayor to apply to the Capital District Transportation Commission for a Linkage Study Grant in the amount of $11,750 against a total project cost of $15,000 for the purpose of creating a comprehensive plan for sidewalks and trails in the Village of Altamont. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried approving the appointment of Marc Shultes to the vacant position of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator on a permanent basis, subject to a 52 week-probationary period, from the Albany County Civil Service list of eligibles at a salary of $39,000. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried accepting the resignation of Andrea Dean as member of the Village Planning Board and appointment of Steven Caruso to fill the unexpired term to 2012. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to donate a surplus obsolete office table to Community Caregivers and abandoned 1969 Volkswagen Bug from Crounse property to Northeast Parent and Child Society for a school project. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion, seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried approving the sale of Village Public Works surplus equipment as follows: 1992 Sreco – Sewer rodding machine. (no minimum bid) and 1993 Toro Grounds Master Mower. Minimum Bid $500.00. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to holding Public Hearing October 2, 2007 at 8 pm enacting Local Law # 5- 2007 enacting new Village of Altamont Zoning Law 2007 and rescinding in it’s entirety, an ordinance adopted by the Altamont Village Board on November 9, 1971 known as The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Altamont, Albany County New York and amended by Local Law #2- 1985, - Local Law #1-1986; Local Law #1- 1999. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Dineen made a motion, seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried acknowledging that Paragraph 14 of the contract between Brandle Meadows, LLC and the Village of Altamont, signed and dated June 25, 2007, known as “Provision of Public Water and Sewer Service To Brandle Meadows Senior Condominium Community By The Village Of Altamont” is not effective where the Village will not own or maintain the water/sewer lines within the Brandle Meadows Project; and, authorizing Mayor Gaughan to sign any modification acknowledging the same. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Marshall made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the Scope of Services – Space Allocation Analysis of Dr. Crounse House proposal prepared by Trustee Whalen. The Town of Guilderland will share the anticipated cost of approximately $3,500 for the design architectural survey of the property including topography of property; sq. ft. of rooms; code violations; suitability for use/occupancy.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion, seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried electing to provide the pension benefits of Section 384-d of the Retirement and Social Security Law, as presently or hereafter amended for any member of our police department who duly elects to enroll in this plan. Estimated additional cost for providing the benefits based on salary data and current billing rates for the NYS fiscal year is $4,553.

Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Dineen reported that an updated brochure has been prepared and is available for new residents in the Village. Local merchants donated coupons for the project.


Trustee Marshall made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve the July 2007 Board Minutes as submitted. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to adjourn at 8:30 pm. All in favor


Next scheduled Board Meeting is October 2, 2007.


Respectfully Submitted,

 Jean La Crosse
