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Meeting Minutes 06/01/2007


June 6, 2007


Mayor James M. Gaughan                  E. Guy Roemer, Attorney

Trustee William F. Aylward                 Jean La Crosse, Clerk

Trustee Kerry Dineen                         Catherine Hasbrouck, Treasurer

Trustee Christine Marshall                   Anthony Salerno, Commissioner

Trustee Dean Whalen                          Tim McIntyre, Supt. DPW


7:30 pm

Attending: Donald F. Cropsey, Jr., Building Inspector; Paul Miller, Chief, and William Hoogkamp, President AFD; approximately12 guests.


Trustee Whalen reported that the amended Sub- division Regulations were recently reviewed by Attorney, E. Guy Roemer and his comments were incorporated and/or researched into the final draft that will go to the Board by the end of this week and subsequently to the public. The committee continues to work on the Zoning Ordinances that will be delivered to the Village Attorney by the third week in May.


Keith Lee, Co-chairman of the Parks committee gave a brief report.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the Altamont Fire Department’s participation in the Hudson Valley Volunteer Association Parade, Shaker Road, Albany NY on June 23, 2007. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to approve the Treasurer’s Report (Abstract # 25) for June, 2007. Roll Call: All in favor


Public Comment:

Mike La Mountain read a prepared letter regarding the CountryFest 2007 on issues such as parking, safety, noise, garbage and plans to avoid situations that occurred last year.


Mayor Gaughan recognizes the seriousness of the situation. The Mayor states that the Town of Guilderland issues the mass gathering permit for the event and additionally have taken the lead for all safety issues in cooperation with a number of other agencies.


Tim McIntyre spoke on the condition of Park Street that was once constructed heavily enough to carry heavy load vehicles that enter the fair. Currently it is a low load road and the traffic is directed through other routes.


Linda Cure spoke on the traffic entering the Fair grounds through Grand Street. Ms. Cure asks for barricades.


Trustee Aylward mentioned the complaints received last year and asks that Commissioner Salerno address these specific concerns.


William Hoogkamp, President Altamont Fire Department asks for a committee meeting to address the storage needs of the department.


Mayor Gaughan commented on the newly constructed smaller picnic shelter at Bozenkill Park.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to hold a Public Hearing for July 3, 2007 at 8:00 pm, Village of Altamont Community Room, 115 Main Street, Altamont, NY, Albany County, to consider Local Law #3-2007 amending Local Law No. 1-2006 Senior Citizens Tax Exemption Law to increase the annual maximum income eligibility level for exemption from Village of Altamont real property taxation. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to hold a Public Hearing on July 3, 2007 at 8:15 pm, Village of Altamont, Community Room, 115 Main Street, Altamont, NY, Albany County, for authorization to expend approximately $107,000 from Public Works equipment reserve and water/sewer general fund reserves to purchase a 5 cu.yd. dump truck/snow plow on state contract to replace two existing vehicles per request of Timothy McIntyre, Supt. Public Works. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to hold a Public Hearing June 19, 2007 at 7:30 pm, Village of Altamont, Community Room, 115 Main Street, Altamont, NY, Albany County, on Local Law # 4-2007 – “ENACTING NEW VILLAGE OF ALTAMONT SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND RECINDING IN IT’S ENTIRETY, LOCAL LAW ADOPTED BY THE ALTAMONT VILLAGE BOARD ON AUGUST 11, 1970 AND AMENDED BY LOCAL #1, JUNE 7, 1988 KNOWN AS THE VILLAGE OF ALTAMONT LAND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS.”


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried authorizing the Mayor to support the application of the Altamont Free Library for the Environmental Protection Act of 1993 – Historic Preservation Grant to convert the Historic 1897 Train Station to a library. Roll Call: All in favor. The Resolution follows:



RESOLUTION NO. 6, June 5, 2007




WHEREAS, the Village Board is supportive of the plan to convert the old train station to function as a public library;


WHEREAS, if the project is selected to receive New York State funds, the Altamont Free Library will fund all non-federal share project cost and provide staffing as needed to progress the project, including the use of professional firms and contractors;


WHEREAS, this project would significantly improve accessibility to the library, especially for the elderly and disabled;


WHEREAS, this project is consistent with the Library’s long range plan to improve preservation;


WHEREAS, in accordance with the “U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standard for Rehabilitation” this project falls under the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation funding eligibility;


Whereas, the Altamont Train Station, in accordance with eligibility requirements of the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1993 – HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT is on the National Register of Historic Places.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Altamont Village Board of Trustees fully supports this project and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to support the application submitted by the Altamont Free Library for the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1993 – HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT. 


The foregoing Resolution is offered by Trustee Dean Whalen and seconded by Trustee William F. Aylward, was duly put to a role call vote as follows:


Village Board Members:                                      AYE                     NAY

  James Gaughan, Mayor                                      X                                                 

  William Aylward, Trustee                                    X                                                 

  Kerry Dineen, Trustee                                         X                                                 

  Christine Marshall, Trustee                                X                                               

  Dean Whalen, Trustee                                         X                                                  


The foregoing Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


DATED: June 5, 2007                                                    

               JEAN LA CROSSE, CLERK


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to approve the Mayor’s proposed correspondence to participating vendors relating to the Farmer’s Market 2007. Roll Call: All in favor. The correspondence and agreement follows:


June 6, 2007

With appreciation to the Altamont Village Library, the Altamont community looks forward to a successful second Farmer's Market season.  As we look at expanding the Farmer's Market on Saturdays, your participation is eagerly awaited.  Among the preliminary details that should be done is the provision of evidence of your general liability insurance and the addition of the Altamont Free Library and the Village of Altamont as "additional insured’s."   In that regard, please forward a binder page to Linda Cure, Parks & Recreation, 181 Route 146, Altamont, NY  12009 from your insurance company or agent showing those entities as "additional insured’s"  with general liability coverage limits, if you have not done so already.   


The Village and the Altamont Free Library will continue to collaborate and coordinate the market with you.  The Altamont Free Library’s Board has approved use of their property for no fee as a generous gesture of community support.  The Village, in support of this community benefit, will commit logistical support, as needed, during the 2007 year.  Please contact Public Works Superintendent Tim McIntyre at 861-8554 if you have any questions in that regard.   


The Village is pleased to provide an opportunity for local agriculture to sell fresh nutritious foods and products directly to the community and to foster social gathering and community spirit while improving Altamont's downtown business and shopping district.


The hours of operation for the 2007 Altamont Farmers Market shall be as follows:


Barber's Farm - Tuesday, Thursday 12:00 - 5:30 pm

Altamont Orchards - Wednesday, Friday 12:00 - 5:30 pm; Sunday 10:30 - 2:00 pm

Saturday Expanded Market:  9:00am - 1:00 pm

The Farmer's Market will be closed on Saturday, July 14, 2007 due to activities at the Altamont Fairgrounds.


There will be a vendor set-up fee of $15.00 per vendor per week for the Saturday expanded market.  Payment for booth space is due each week at the Saturday market.  Checks can be made payable to the Village of Altamont Farmer's Market.  Non-payment may result in forfeiture of market privileges.  Tent locations will be assigned in order of receipt of all requested documentation.  Tents are required for all vendors and vendors will be responsible for furnishing their own tenting.  Tents must be anchored to the ground.


Vendors should plan to be set up at the market by 8:30 am and be ready to sell by 9:00 am.  Vendors may unload their products via the parking lot next to the train station.  Parking will be available in the designated vendor parking area to the left of the train station.  


The Altamont Farmers Market will begin on Saturday, June 23, 2007, with the kick-off celebration, "The Farmers Come to Town!"  The market season will run from June 23 to September 30 (weather permitting).  If you do not plan to participate for the entire season, please contact Linda Cure at 456-3150.


On a safety note, Commissioner of Public Safety Anthony Salerno has advised me that for Barber's Farm and Altamont Orchards, all vehicles and tables should be placed no closer than 10 feet to the train tracks.


Please review and sign the attached Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement as well as the Request for Use of Facilities Form.  These forms, along with your insurance binder, should be returned to Linda Cure at the address listed above.Thanks again for your help and cooperation.








As a vendor wishing to rent space in the 2007 Altamont Farmers' Market, I agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the Altamont Farmer's Market, the Altamont Free Library, and the Village of Altamont, its sponsoring agency, members and employees from any and all liability or responsibility pertaining to any damages to person or property on the site leased by me from said market, when such damages, or liability arise out of any acts of my own, or of my employees or associates, located at said site.


Vendor Name (please print)                                               Vendor Signature


_____________________________                                Approved by:



James Gaughan, Mayor

Village of Altamont


PHONE (518) 861-8554                                                                      FAX (518) 861-5379


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried approving the appointment of Mayor James M. Gaughan to serve as a representative to serve on the Albany County Municipal Services Board per request of Paul T. Devane, Clerk of the Legislature. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried authorizing Jean La Crosse to hire part-time seasonal employees for the Bozenkill Park as follows: Adriene Bush, Camp Director; Colleen Moller/Katie Moller Co-Managers; Life Guards: Aubrey Seppa, Kyle McCormick, Tuesday Breitenbach, Erin Glennon, Lindsey Heacock, Elizabeth Heacock, Amanda Heacock; John Shultz, Samantha Johnson, Andrew Luyckx; Counselors: John Sands, Zach Appio, Caitlin Willsey – Hourly salary scale $8.00 - $14.42 per hour as approved in 2007/08 Village Budget. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward and carried to approve the applications of Jordan Jakway and Philip J. Milano, Jr. for membership in Altamont Fire Department per recommendation of Mark Huggins/Bill Ernest, AFD. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to approve Board Minutes for May 2007. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss litigation. All in favor.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen to exit Executive Session. All in favor

Trustee Marshall made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen to enter into Regular Session. All in favor

Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall to adjourn at 9 pm. All in favor.


Next scheduled meeting is June 19, 2007.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Jean La Crosse
