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Meeting Minutes 06/19/2007


June 19, 2007


Mayor James M. Gaughan                  E. Guy Roemer, Attorney

Trustee William F. Aylward                 Jean La Crosse, Clerk

Trustee Kerry Dineen                          Don Cropsey, Jr., Building/Zoning

Trustee Dean Whalen                          Steve Parachini, Chairman, Planning Board

Trustee Harvey C. Vlahos                    Approximately 12 guest


7:30 pm

Mayor Gaughan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Trustee Whalen made a motion seconded by Trustee Aylward to open the Public Hearing.

Roll Call: All in favor.


Attorney E. Guy Roemer read the Legal Notice for the Public Hearing June 19, 2007 at 7:30 pm, Village of Altamont, Community Room, 115 Main Street, Altamont, NY, Albany County, on Local Law # 4-2007 – “ENACTING NEW VILLAGE OF ALTAMONT SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND RECINDING IN IT’S ENTIRETY, LOCAL LAW ADOPTED BY THE ALTAMONT VILLAGE BOARD ON AUGUST 11, 1970 AND AMENDED BY LOCAL #1, JUNE 7, 1988 KNOWN AS THE VILLAGE OF ALTAMONT LAND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS.”


Trustee Whalen made an opening statement.


Trustee Aylward inquired about “keyhole” lots.


Trustee Whalen replied that this subject will be detailed, when completed, in the new Zoning Regulations.


Don Cropsey defined a “keyhole lot” as a lot located to the rear of another lot but connected to a public right-a-way by a strip of land of at least 30’ wide. There are specific NYS requirements that can be increased by local regulations for “keyhole” lots.


Keith Lee, Maple Avenue, thanked the group for all the work on the project. Mr. Lee prepared comments on the language of the document and offered his written suggestions to the Board. He specifically refers to: Page 8 “preliminary plat”; Section 21.3 Page 20 “submission requirement”; and Page 30 I-20’ “setback for front facing garages”.


Troy Miller, Indian Maiden Pass, gave a professional builder’s opinion on imposing 20’ setback for front facing garages.


Don Constantino, Schoharie Plank Road W, referred to 40-32.2 regarding “culverts to divert streams”. He prefers protecting the natural flow of the water.


Steve Parachini read an e-mail from Melanie Jakway, Maple Avenue, regarding P. 36 “Streetscape Standards”, - mandated planting strips in relationship to obstruction concerns.


Dean Whalen read a letter from Kristen Casey regarding screening developments from public view.

Mayor Gaughan questions the legality of proposed edits to the Sub-Division Regulations.


Attorney Roemer commented that the minor edits and language clarifications do not constitute re-advertising but must be available to the public and read into the plan prior to voting on the regulations.


Trustee Whalen adds that additionally the Regulations have been forwarded to Albany County Planning Board for review.


Kate Provencher refers to the comments from Ms. Casey regarding “hiding developments from view” as not a preferable village look.


Danny Ramirez, Maple Avenue refers to P. 39- K “all utilities facilities” and asks the Board to include HVAC and/or other commercial equipment be placed in the side or rear of buildings.


Troy Miller comments on garage setbacks from design stand points particularly on smaller house. Mr. Miller suggests a modification to a 10’ setback.


The following is a brief prepared by Trustee Whalen outlining the proposed changes based on observations from the Public during the Public Hearing:


They are six in number:  (a) editorial/typo/consistency of language (Keith Lee); (2) questions about the presence of the definition of a keyhole  property (Trustee Aylward was seeking a definition; informed it was to be fully described in the upcoming zoning reg discussions, and referral to it would be added; (3) questions about the impracticality of the set back distance of non-attached garages in that smaller houses should not have to abide by the 50 ft set back indicated)( Lee and Troy Miller).  Committee will add a provision for a proportionality allowance; (4) question raised about buffering the entire sub development from the main street (which was nixed so as not to hide, but rather the philosophy was to integrate a sub-development into the current Village structure (Kristin Casey by mail); (5) placement of trees in the buffer zone within the development (which may be accommodated to place them away from the storm drain side of street (Melanie Jakway by mail); (6) agreement to encourage placement of AC/heating units at back of house rather than just hiding them with shrubs as is stated in current draft (Danny Ramirez).


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to close the Public Hearing.

Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen and carried to approve the volunteer services of Water Safety Instructor, Jean Forti at Bozenkill Park for swim instruction commencing June 25, 2007. Consider authorizing Jean La Crosse to hire additional part-time booth attendant for the Bozenkill Park @ $7.50 per hour. Roll Call: All in favor.


Trustee Aylward made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen and carried to enter into Executive Session to discuss ongoing litigation regarding Alice Fisher. Roll Call: All in favor


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Marshall and carried to exit Executive Session.

All in favor.


Trustee Dineen made a motion seconded by Trustee Whalen to enter into Regular Session. All in favor.


Trustee Marshall made a motion seconded by Trustee Dineen to adjourn at 8:55 pm. All in favor.


Next scheduled Board Meeting is July 3, 2007 – 7:30 pm.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Jean La Crosse
